itsplashes wrote in suaday Jul 14, 2011 00:03
era: the beginning, month: july, with: yoochun, junsu is a ~daring~ boy, other: .gifs, fail charisma, *2011, giggling su, event: jyj showcase, junsu the cat lady, with: jaejoong
junsoul wrote in suaday Jan 02, 2011 22:53
*2010, hawtness overload, era: the beginning, month: january, other: .gifs, *2011, smiley!su, hello arms
itsplashes wrote in suaday Dec 06, 2010 22:38
sunshine boy, mag: billboard, su lights up my life, *2010, era: the beginning, month: november, smiley!su, squishy boy!, so precious
itsplashes wrote in suaday Dec 03, 2010 23:26
concert: the beginning, drop dead gorgeous, how can one be so beautiful?, *2010, era: the beginning, month: december
itsplashes wrote in suaday Dec 01, 2010 23:41
*2010, misc: making film, hawtness overload, era: the beginning, misc: photoshoot, sexiah, insert keysmash here, month: december
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 30, 2010 23:48
*2010, hips don't lie, era: the beginning, concert: the beginning, how can one be so beautiful?, junsu and his suit, nosebleed, s-line babe, unf su, duckbutt, ♡♡♡, sexy junsu!, unf, month: november, performance: concert tours, damn hips, unf hips, is it hot in here or what?, bite me
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 30, 2010 00:26
*2010, your tears are beautiful, era: the beginning, ♡♡♡, month: november, concert: the beginning, how can one be so beautiful?, so precious
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 28, 2010 22:54
sunshine boy, su lights up my life, *2010, era: the beginning, concert: the beginning, performance: concert tours, month: november, smiley!su, squishy boy!, so precious
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 27, 2010 23:24
kissable lips, *2010, era: the beginning, concert: the beginning, how can one be so beautiful?, junsu and his suit, nosebleed, smirkety smirk, unf su, ♡♡♡, sexy junsu!, unf, month: november, performance: concert tours, damn hips, unf hips, is it hot in here or what?, bite me
itsplashes wrote in suaday Nov 25, 2010 22:38
jawline, unf su, *2010, gqmf, hawtness overload, era: the beginning, ♡♡♡, month: november, sexiah, scans: photobook, insert keysmash here, hello arms, is it hot in here or what?